Cannabis Reviews – Cookie Face

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photo by Adam Merkle

Turn That Frown Into A Cookie Face!

Review of ‘Cookie Face’ by Rythm/GTI of Maryland

The name says it all -Cookie Face is an amazing Indica dominant strain that has been created by combining the infamous ‘Do-Si-Dos’ and ‘GSC’. When Rythm/GTI cultivated this flower; it is clear that it was done with a great amount of passion and care.

Despite the name, this flower is no joke! Testing at over 26% THCa and 2.74% total terpenes, it’s well worth the $60 I paid for it at Ritual dispensary. When I saw they had this strain in stock by Rythm; I put other items back so I’d be able to afford it -It’s that good!

I’ve had this strain many times before; under the Rythm, Dogwalkers and GTI brandings, and it has never disappointed me. I’ve seen the cannabinoid and terpene levels vary over time, but this latest batch definitely takes the cake; or cookie I should say.

Terpene Profile

When it comes to strains with ‘cookie’ in the name; Caryophyllene is typically the dominant terpene. Cookie Face is no exception; with Caryophyllene testing at a whopping .95%!

Limonene is the second most dominant terpene; testing at .83%. This not only adds a sharp citrusy flavor but also balances out the more sedating or Indica terpenes.

Myrcene is the third terpene in line. Testing at .32% -this adds to the anti-anxiety properties of the Caryophyllene and gives Cookie Face a sweet-earthy aroma.

A few other terpenes found in this amazing strain are: Linalool (also found in lavender); testing at .23%, Humulene (also found in hops); testing at .25%, and Pinene (alpha and beta); testing at .15%.

Slide Show of ‘Cookie Face’


If you need to turn your frown upside down; Cookie Face is a strain for you! This is a nicely balanced Indica that will relax your anxiety away without gluing you to the couch. The Limonene and Humulene add a nice uplifting effect that for me; sparked creativity and helped me to social engage in conversation.

This batch of Cookie Face by Rythm/GTI has a very lemon-pepper-pine kind of flavor and has dense, trichome covered buds that burn slow and evenly when packed into a cone. I’d give this flower a 9/10 for flavor and a 10/10 for medicinal value. Well done GTI!

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